Pay your bill, ask for payment assistance, manage concessions and account details or let us know you're moving.
There's a number of ways to pay your bill.
Have your bill sent straight to your inbox.
Need more time to pay your bill? Here's how.
Need to request a credit refund on your account? Here's how.
Eligible concessions can be deducted from your water bill.
Let us know if your contact details have changed.
Buying, selling or renting? Here's some information you'll need.
Send us a meter reading if we haven't been able to access your meter.
If you have an unexplained high water bill, you may be eligible for a rebate.
Apply for a water information statement or special meter read.
Struggling to pay your water bill? We can help. Learn more...
Every drip, drop and splash counts. Learn more...
We want to help make your life easier, so you now have the option to swap envelopes for email bills. Learn more..