Join our focus groups! (NOW CLOSED)
As part of our Price Submission engagement, we’re organising online focus groups to explore what drives customers to pay more or less for certain services. We’re seeking feedback from participants across five different customer groups of small households, large households renters, pensioners and concession card holders, and small to medium business customers to help us better understand these preferences.
Group dates and detail
Mon 21 Oct, 6pm–8pm: Small Household (Home Owner) - FULL NOT ACCEPTING REGISTRATIONS
Small household of one or two people.
Rental household of two to three people.
Thu 24 Oct, 6pm–8pm: Pensioner (Home Owner) - FULL NOT ACCEPTING REGISTRATIONS
Small household of one or two people, must be 60+ years old and hold a Pensioner Concession Card or Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card.
Mon 28 Oct, 6pm–8pm: Medium/Large Household (Home Owner) - FULL NOT ACCEPTING REGISTRATIONS
Medium to large household of four or more people.
Tue 29 Oct, 6pm–8pm: Small to Medium Business - CLOSED
Owners or managers of small to medium businesses with medium to high water use (e.g. café, hairdresser, garden nursery).
Participant rewards
As a thank you for your time:
- Residential participants will receive a $120 gift voucher
- Business participants will receive a $230 gift voucher.
Other information
- All sessions will be held online.
- The recruitment is being managed by professional recruitment firm, CRNRSTONE.
- Registrations will be accepted up until the day before each focus group.
How to participate
If you would like to take part, register your interest via the button below and complete the screening questions.
Register here
Note: CRNRSTONE follows all policies and regulations from the Australian Research Society, are members of ADIA and are ISO 20252 certified. All information that respondents provide, is treated as strictly confidential. For more information see