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North-east community to help shape water future

10 September 2024

North East Water is currently engaging with the community on its next price submission that will propose the fees and charges that its customers will pay from 2026 onwards.

This major initiative will determine pricing for water and sewerage services, as well as inform infrastructure and operational investments for North East Water’s next price submission to Victoria’s independent regulator, the Essential Services Commission (ESC). The ESC will set the prices customers will pay for the next regulatory period starting from 1 July 2026.

Managing Director, Jo Murdoch, said the water corporation’s community engagement was designed to reach all customers across the 39 towns that span 20,000 square kilometres it services. 

“Customers have already been actively participating in workshops, surveys, and town pop-up kiosks and there will be more opportunities to contribute in the months to come, including additional surveys, an online bill simulator and a deliberative forum in February next year.

“We are asking people to talk to us about what they value most about their water and sewer services and help us understand their expectations for the coming years.

“It’s really important that we gather customer feedback on a range of critical water-related issues, from water conservation to population growth and regional development.”

Water fees and services are set by the ESC. All Victorian water corporations, including North East Water, are required to develop a price submission for ESC approval. This process ensures fair and stable prices for customers that reflect community feedback and expectations. 

Ms Murdoch said North East Water’s price submission engagement included gathering feedback from a diverse range of customers and stakeholders – including homeowners, renters, businesses, First Peoples, residents experiencing financial hardship, people with disabilities, new customers, older and younger people, developers and local councils.

“Early next year, a series of deliberative forums will further explore the feedback gathered, bringing together different perspectives from a representative sample of our customers,” she added. “We want to ensure our customers have a significant role in shaping the future.”

Following this extensive consultation, a draft price submission will be shared with the community for feedback before being submitted to the ESC in September 2025 for a determination. 

The ESC will then assess North East Water’s draft submission to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and value for money. There will be future opportunities for customers to have a say prior to the ESC’s final determination before the new price period commences.

For more information about the North East Water’s price submission process, click here.