Media Release
Sampling results all-clear after deceased mouse discovery
11 August 2023
North East Water crews have discovered a deceased mouse during a routine check of the Bears Hill 14 million litre Clear Water Storage Tank in Wodonga on Thursday 10 August.
John Day, General Manager Operations, Systems & Environment, assures the community that the water from the storage tank remained disinfected at all times and presented no risk to community health and safety.
The storage tank holds about 14 million litres of drinking water which is supplied to nearby customers on the high-level pressure zone (see map). North East Water has been working closely with the Department of Health, with routine weekly and resampling of the water quality coming back all-clear. The affected storage tank remains isolated from the distribution system while remedial works, including tank clearning, take place.
While there is extremely low risk to the community, North East Water wants to let you know, as we believe it is our responsibility to keep you informed about anything that affects our service quality and commitment to you.
Although the risk is considered very low, customers who experience gastro-like symptoms are encouraged to contact their doctor and advise them of this notice.
If you do have any concerns, please call our Customer Contact Centre on 1300 361 622.
