New sewage treatment plant for Bellbridge
24 July 2023
North East Water has recently completed a major upgrade to the Bellbridge sewage treatment plant, marking another significant investment to improve growth and development in the town and provide ongoing benefit to the community.
The $5.6 million project has transitioned the town’s wastewater treatment to a mechanical process, doubling the volume of sewage that can be treated and increasing the amount of treated wastewater that can be safely reused.
Managing Director, Jo Murdoch, highlighted that the upgrade will support population growth well into the future.
“The upgrade increases the plant’s capacity to 60 megalitres per year and it will continue to supply Class C recycled water for the irrigation of nearby land”, Ms Murdoch said.
“It will also reduce odour and environmental compliance issues that were previously experienced during certain weather conditions.”
"While further irrigation expansion will be necessary as housing development progresses, this upgrade ensures that Bellbridge is well-equipped to meet future population demands.
“It provides sustainable and reliable infrastructure that benefits both the environment and local community.”
The wastewater project complements a major upgrade to the town’s water treatment plant and water pipe network in 2022, which increased drinking water storage capacity and improved processes to guard against blue-green algae blooms.
Ms Murdoch said, “Combined the projects are a $10.3 million investment in Bellbridge and a major benefit to the growth of Towong Shire.”
“They are an important part of North East Water’s more than $300 million investment in essential new and upgraded water and wastewater infrastructure across the region during the current 8-year price period.”

L-R: NEW Chair Stephen Brown, NEW Senior Project Manager Miguel De Oliveira, NEW Managing Director Jo Murdoch, Towong Shire Councillor David Wortmann