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Design for Mount Beauty crucial water infrastructure a step closer

14 June 2024

North East Water has moved to the detailed design phase for its new raw water offtake in Mount Beauty following encouraging feedback from the community and key stakeholders.

The new water infrastructure, critical to the water security of the town, is now proposed to be located 75 metres downstream of the original site in Embankment Drive, with the pump station up on the pondage side of the road. There are no plans for a weir in this design and it would allow for a secondary supply from the pondage.

This design configuration was supported by the community and key stakeholder reference group, as well as the majority of people who attended a community pop-up kiosk and completed a survey in April this year.

Managing Director Jo Murdoch said North East Water remained committed to working with the community to achieve the best outcome for Mount Beauty.

“I want to thank everyone who has contributed to the engagement over the past two years sharing their views on the pump station’s proximity to the river, the use of a weir and its visual impact”, Ms Murdoch said.

“I am pleased that we have a way forward that is supported by the majority of people who have engaged with us.”

Ms Murdoch said the journey to get to this point spanned almost three years.

“Integral to the outcome has been the contributions of the community and key stakeholder reference group and its sub-technical working group, as well as an extensive independent assessment commissioned by North East Water’s board to ensure every option was considered.

She said North East Water had begun the detailed design work and was conducting the appropriate assessments to inform the associated planning approvals.

“An important part of this is ensuring the new infrastructure will fit into the landscape and we are entirely open to suggestions from the community on how to achieve this.

“This will be incorporated into the next stage of community engagement which will begin in the coming months.”

People can view the visualisation of the preferred design configuration, as well as concept images of a raw water offtake and pump station here.